Tech-Meetup: Forget the OpenGL - today Vulkan is your best friend

time 18.05.2023 place Mobica Łódź Office

Thank you to all attendees who made this event all the more special with their passion and curiousity for GPU technology.


Our 4th Łódź Tech-Meetup in cooperation with Invest In Łódź reached a new-level of awesome. Michał Jakubek, Expert Engineer from Mobica’s Middleware Competence Centre facilitated a riveting discussion on the Vulkan graphics API, and it's advantages over OpenGL.

Reflecting on the richness of the topics Michał explored and the discussion held by those who joined us – the event underscored Mobica's commitment to pushing the boundaries of GPU technology. 

Thank you to all attendees who made this event all the more special with their passion and curiousity for GPU technology.




Michał Jakubek

Expert Engineer, Middleware Competence Centre at Mobica. He has been involved in commercial programming for over 20 years, including more than 10 years in Mobica.
Apart from that, he is a fan of new technologies and all kinds of technical innovations from various fields. He loves mathematics and physics.